What is Monkeypox? Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Corona had created terror all over the world. Due to Corona, the economy of many countries had collapsed, but now the situation has improved to some extent. Corona cases have reduced to a large extent after vaccination. However, now a terrible virus like Corona has raised its face.

Monkeypox is the name of this virus that is spreading rapidly all over the world. Meanwhile, many people are losing their lives due to the increasing transmission of this virus. The disease, which spreads to humans from infected animals such as rats and monkeys, is named monkeypox.

In today's article we tell you what is monkeypox? What are its symptoms? And what precautions should be taken to avoid this disease? We will inform about it.

What is Monkeypox?  Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

What is Monkeypox?

It is a type of viral infection, which can be transmitted to humans by rodents and monkeys. The virus can spread to humans through contact with an infected animal.

Monkeypox is a worldwide viral infection. The virus can spread to humans through monkeys and rats. Any human can contract this disease if they come in contact with infected animals. In short, this virus can spread to humans through that animal.   

Where did Monkeypox Come From?

Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of research monkeys, hence the name 'monkeypox'. The first human case of monkeypox was reported in the 1970s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during an intense effort to eradicate smallpox.

How does Monkeypox Spread?

Monkeypox is a contagious disease. Therefore, if you come into contact with or touch an infected person with monkeypox, the disease can be spread.

 The disease can also be transmitted to another person by coming into contact with that person's sneezes and coughs. Also, the infection can spread rapidly if you consume the items of an infected person.

Meanwhile, this monkeypox disease belongs to the orthopox family of viruses.

What are the Symptoms of Monkeypox?

Common symptoms of monkeypox include fever, rash, and large nodules and can lead to medical complications.

 The rash is more concentrated on the face and limbs rather than the stomach or back. The rash mostly appears on the face, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, mouth sores, genitals and eyes.

 Monkeypox is usually a self-limiting disease. Symptoms last 2 to 4 weeks. The patient's condition can be critical.The mortality rate can range from 1-10%.

 Symptoms of this disease are more severe in children.

What to do to Prevent Monkeypox?

Prevention of monkeypox is the only way to prevent it, and for this you should wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a good sanitiser.

If an infected monkeypox patient is found in the house, their food and drink utensils should be kept separate. Do not touch or use those utensils.

If a person is showing symptoms of monkeypox, they should isolate themselves from other people. If possible, such a person should be kept in isolation in a separate room of the house.

Do not share towels, sheets and other clothing with a person suffering from monkeypox.

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Treatment of Monkeypox

There is no specific treatment available for monkeypox infection, but monkeypox outbreaks can be controlled. Smallpox vaccine, cidofovir, ST-246 and vaccinia immune globulin (VIG) can be used to control monkeypox outbreaks.


Monkeypox is a rare viral disease. This disease spreads from animals to humans and can also spread from infected person to other person. Initially, the symptoms of monkeypox are normal, but as the virus grows in the body, its symptoms also become severe. Monkeypox can affect any part of the body. If monkeypox is severe, it can also prove to be fatal. Therefore, if any symptoms related to monkeypox are observed in the body, a doctor should be immediately checked up.

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